CTLN Opinion+: Michelle Seagull


Description of the video: 

The Federal Trade Commission has named the week of Feb 28-March 6 as National Consumer Protection Week. A time to help people understand their consumer rights and make well-informed decisions about money.

We should not wait to become more financially responsible and literate, while the last week in February is for educating consumers the resources of being a Smart Consumer are available all the time in the Connecticut smart consumer guide found online. It provides tools on finances for immigrants, refugees, as well as families. 

This week CTLN Opinion+ spoke to Michelle Seagull, Commissioner of the Office of Consumer Protection, about the importance of being a smart consumer, licensing, and consumer protection. We covered a range of topics regarding the importance of licensing and business registration for the protection of the consumer as well as for business owners and contractors. 

Since the start of the pandemic, restaurants have suffered from the collapse of the economy. The office of Consumer Protection has made it possible for restaurants to obtain a license for an alcoholic beverage to be delivered with a meal. This is just one of the available licenses for a business on the Department of Consumer Protection website. The department’s website is designed to help you find the information you need to become licensed, registered, or renew a permit. 

The department works to protect residents from fraud, bad business practices, and physical injury. The department is responsible for ensuring that businesses follow all consumer laws and guard against deceptive business practices and enforces licensing requirements.

On Feb. 8 the DCP warned of the possibility of hidden credit charges at restaurants or shops. We asked the commissioner about this and what to do in the possibility of deceptive business practice. The department can open an investigation and if there is sufficient evidence that a business is violating the law, the department could open a case on behalf of the state. They have the authority to work with the business to correct illegal practices and bring enforcement actions. 

Resources mentioned in the video: 

Smart Consumer: 


Registration form:


To renew license:


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