CTLN Opinion+: Beth Hines


This week CTLN Opinion+ had the pleasure to bring back Beth Hines, Executive Director of Community Partners in Action.

We followed up on justice reform legislation updates, partnerships programs for reentry, recovery services, and a bit about their new Waterbury Reentry Center.

Hines has worked with the organization for over 30 years, advocates for justice reform, and focuses on behavioral changes by bringing therapy through arts, reentry programs, and addressing mental health to create a positive impact in the lives of adults and youth throughout Connecticut. 

The organization works with the state of Connecticut to provide housing for men and women recently released from prison and offer a transitional housing program. While at the same time, they can prepare to reintegrate into society, find a job and a permanent place to live. During our conversation, Hines addressed a significant issue that ex-prisoners face today after coming out of prison; she said, “over the last several years, homelessness has peaked as being the most significant need of people; coming home from prison.”

CTLN Opinion + also touched base with Hines specifically about restoring voting rights for former prisoners. Hines shared the news about how the legislative session passed the bill this summer. “Senate Bill 1202 will restore voting rights to people with felony convictions who are on parole. This landmark legislation will restore the right to vote to as many as 4000 people with past convictions.” 

For more information regarding the programs and legislation provided by Community Partners in Action check out their website: Community Partners in Action

Resources mentioned in the video: 


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