CT Chapter Of Hispanic Nurses Presents CTLatinoNews.com With Its 'Community Service Award'

CTLatinoNews.com and its co-founder and publisher, Diane Alverio, were among the recipients of the CT Chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses at its fourth annual awards banquet in Bridgeport recently.  The all volunteer organization works to improve the health of the Hispanic community and supports efforts to increase the number of Hispanics entering the Healthcare field.
In addition to Alverio and CTLatinoNews.com, the organization also recognized Raul Pino, MD, MPH, Connecticut’s Commissioner of Public Health.  It also presented its Student Leadership Award to Javier Adams, who just graduated

Javier Adams (center) received NAHN’s Student Leadership Award with Dr. Maria D. Krol (l) and CTLatinoNews.com Co-Founder and Publisher, Diane Alverio.

from SCSU’s Nursing School and while there, created a student chapter of the Hispanic Nurses Association. Karen Vo also received a Student Appreciation Award for her volunteer work.
Dr. Maria D. Krol, a professor of nursing at SCSU, is the outgoing president and Dr. Jessica Alicea-Planas, a professor of nursing at Fairfield University, is the President -elect.
NAHN Western Mass and Hartford NAHN Leadership.
In addition to scholarships, NAHN also offers student nurse mentorship programs. Its scholarship winners this year include students entering nursing school and graduate school who was an established nurse.
To learn more about NAHN or for a membership application, please visit www.CTchapterNAHN.Nursingnetwork.com

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