Criminal Investigation of State Rep. Christina Ayala And Her Mother – Sandi Ayala


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State Rep. Christina Ayala, (D) Bridgeport
Claiming State Rep. Christina Ayala and her mother Democratic Registrar of Voters Sandi Ayala engaged in a conspiracy to commit voter fraud, the State Elections Enforcement Commission on Wednesday voted to refer its investigative findings to the chief state’s attorney for possible criminal prosecution. Some of the commission charges alleged are felonies.
Bridgeport Democrat Registrar of Voters, Sandi Ayala (left)
According to a report issued to the commission by SEEC  investigating attorney Kevin Ahern: “There is evidence that she ran for elected office twice from this false address during the period, including for the office she currently holds. There is evidence that she also applied for funds from the Citizens’ Election Program using this false address. Additionally, the investigation revealed evidence that Representative Ayala fabricated evidence in response to this investigation, with the intent of misleading Commission staff. The investigation also revealed evidence that Bridgeport Democratic Registrar of Voters Santa Ayala, Representative Ayala’s mother, knew of and may have cooperated in Representative Ayala’s fraudulent activity.”
The commission asked the chief state’s attorney to investigate Christina Ayala and Sandi Ayala.
Full statement from Ahern:

Statement of Attorney Kevin Ahern to the Commission, October 16, 2013
On December 19, 2012, the Commission voted to initiate an investigation into whether State Representative Christina Ayala of Bridgeport had been impermissibly registered to vote and had voted at 604 Noble Ave., Bridgeport, an address at which she was not a bona fide resident. Additionally, the Commission voted to initiate an investigation into whether Santa Ayala, the Bridgeport Democratic Registrar of Voters, had knowledge of Christina Ayala’s improper registration and may have conspired with Representative Ayala to commit a fraud. The investigation revealed evidence that Representative Ayala falsely registered to vote at the address in Bridgeport in July 2009 and remained registered at this address until January 2013, after the initiation of this investigation. There is evidence that Representative Ayala voted in nine different primaries and elections from this false address during the period. There is evidence that she ran for elected office twice from this false address during the period, including for the office she currently holds. There is evidence that she also applied for funds from the Citizens’ Election Program using this false address. Additionally, the investigation revealed evidence that Representative Ayala fabricated evidence in response to this investigation, with the intent of misleading Commission staff. The investigation also revealed evidence that Bridgeport Democratic Registrar of Voters Santa Ayala, Representative Ayala’s mother, knew of and may have cooperated in Representative Ayala’s fraudulent activity. After investigation, Counsel recommends that the Commission refer this matter to the Chief State’s Attorney’s office for a criminal investigation of State Representative Christina Ayala for the following charges:
1) General Statutes § 9-360 for fraudulently voting in an election or primary in which she was not qualified to vote.