Be A Mentor In Big Brothers Big Sisters Latino Program

The Latino Mentoring Program is one of many programs offered by Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters, Connecticut’s premier youth mentoring organization.
Nutmeg established its Latino Mentoring Program in 2005 in an effort to extend its important services to the state’s fastest-growing ethnic segment. Since then, we have made great strides. We have more Latino children enrolled in our program than ever before. We have a specially designated recruiter for the Latino Mentoring Program. And we’ve set in place a 12-person Latino Advisory Council, a body that acts in a liaison-like capacity between Nutmeg and Connecticut’s Latino communities.
In 2007, the State of Connecticut’s Latino and Puerto Rican Affairs Commission recognized our progress by presenting us with its prestigious Community Service Award.
Right now, there are many Latino kids on our area-wide waiting list. We need caring, dependable, nurturing Latino adults to volunteer to be friends, confidants, and role models to these kids. Because there are so many Latino boys on our waiting list, we especially need Latino male mentors. Mentoring is fun, it’s not expensive and it only takes about 6 to 10 hours each month. Many of our Latino volunteers tell us that deciding to mentor a child in need was the best decision they’ve ever made.
For more information on mentoring, contact Maria Castillo, the Latino mentoring program recruiter. Her telephone number is: 1-800-237-5437, ext. 115. Her e-mail address is: Nutmeg’s organizational website. Like Nutmeg on Facebook. Follow Nutmeg on Twitter.

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