Co-founded by Daniel Diaz and David Greco, Arte Inc. is a non-profit organization creating positive change for the Latino community. Arte runs numerous programs and events and offers highly effective youth programs.
Arte is bridging communities, fostering open dialogues and breaking down stereotypes. Arte’s goal is to create better outcomes for Latino families.
More 3700 people were served last year with programs like:
- SLATE – Socialization & Learning Adventures Through Education: “Every kid starts with a clean slate!” SLATE teaches life and social skills, exposes urban youth to new ideas and environments, gives children knowledge they will use for a lifetime.
- SLATE for Parents: Free workshops for parents focusing on: Digital Literacy, Financial Literacy & College Readiness.
- ASAP – After School Arts Programs: Art, education and mentorship programs to keep kids off the streets and out of trouble.
- College Bound Road Trips – Students are exposed to college life and become interested in college for the first time.
- The Hispanic Heritage Events, Cultural Events & Family Workshops – Arte plans a variety of exhibits and events to celebrate Latino cultures and families.
- Scholarships – Arte has awarded $47,000 to 104 Latino recipients statewide.
For more information, visit them at or call 203-787-ARTE (2783) or 203-469-4536
(Know a non-profit group interested in being part of Latino Connections? Send an email to editor@ctln.local for more information.)