An Increase in Latino Organ Donors


Becoming an organ donor is an important decision and we must educate ourselves about the importance of organ donation. Most young people at the DMV who are awaiting their state id or license have the option to become a donor. Most are unaware of the benefits of such decision and think to themselves, “I don’t want to die, so why should I give my organs”. This is a narrow minded approach and proof that more education on the subject is necessary.
“Latinos who die at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center are donating organs for transplantation at increasing rates”, LA Times. The percentage of people that have donated has increased by 27%, researchers are trying to determine if educational programs in the neighborhood has led to this rise but it’s still not known.
“Although organs are not matched according to race/ethnicity…transplant will have a better chance…if there are large numbers of donors from their racial/ethnic background…critical qualities for donor/recipient matching—are more likely to be found among members of the same ethnicity…”, Latino/Hispanic organ donations should become an important discussion at…
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