A Wall Street Latino Summit Focusing On Expanding the Wealth


  Photo: www.thinknowresearch.com
In a penthouse atop a luxury Manhattan hotel, there are discreet signs that this is a high-level business meeting. The men are a sea of dark suits and discreet ties, while the women favor well-tailored ensembles and pearls. At one table, the Wall Street Journal and Investor’s Business Daily are splayed out next to a Louis Vuitton purse and a Blackberry.
And if you take a closer look, you will see that nearly all of the guests and speakers in attendance here are Latinos. They gathered in New York City this week for the New America Alliance’s (NAA) 15th Annual Wall Street Summit to network, strategize, and focus on accelerating on the economic progress of U.S. Latinos.

“I think it is important as a young Latina to have role models, and so a forum like NAA really brings together leaders, women and men, in finance, in all areas in pension side, in banking, entrepreneurs, investors, so that’s the beauty of a forum like this and why I’m here,” said attendee Bianca Caban. “Because I really do appreciate learning from these role models that have done it and that kind of truism applies to many industries, ‘you can’t be what you can’t see.'” Although Caban has done investment deals all over the world, she finds coming together with her peers at NAA “empowering.”

The New America Alliance was co-founded in 1999 by Henry Cisneros, former Housing Urban Development Secretary, and Raul Yzaguirre, former ambassador to the Dominican Republic. Their goal was to build upon the success of Hispanics to help make a stronger America. Today NAA’s membership is composed of…….
To read full article: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/wall-street-latino-summit-focus-expanding-wealth-n454001

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