Melting Pot
Oscar Castro Marketing, U.S. Hispanic Reachhsipanic.comIn working here at Alcance Media Group, I’ve really been educated on how big the U.S. Hispanic market really is. I’ve read many articles from Nielson for example telling me how much spending power Hispanics have, as well as articles from The Huffington Post with insight as to how big the U.S. Hispanic economy is.
Finally we have detailed maps showing the growth of U.S. White and Minority Populations from 1970-2050, including where the Hispanic concentration is and the new Hispanic destinations. Something that opened my eyes was seeing the integration of races by marriage going all the way back to 1960. The U.S. continues to be a great melting pot of cultures.
“Baby boom: By 2050, minorities will outnumber whites – thanks to shrinking birth rates for white families and growing birth rates for non-whites”
“Hispanics are moving rapidly from the Southwest and California eastward and through the South (green dots)”
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