5th District Candidate Explains Why Latinos Should Vote for Them


CTLatinoNews.com has reached out to the Republican and Democratic candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives in the five Connecticut Congressional Districts and asked them to explain why Latinos should vote for them. We thought it would be a good opportunity for Latino voters to see how well the candidates understand the issues important to them.
Here are the responses for the 5th Congressional District. The Republican candidate response is presented first because that party has the top line on the ballot. The Democratic candidate response is presented second.

Andrew Roraback

ADDRESS: P.O. Box 807 Torrington, CT 06790
WEBSITE: www.rorabackforcongress.com
BIO: I live with wife, Kara, and our 3 year old son, Andrew Kevin, in Goshen. I work with my Dad, my brother and my sister at a family law firm in Torrington. I have served in the Connecticut legislature for 18 years and have never missed a roll call vote. I have voted 8929 consecutive times. I love public service and hope to serve you.
Why should Latinos vote for you?
I speak Spanish pretty well and I am anxious to improve.  I hope you have heard my ad, which is on the spanish language stations, WLAT (910am) and WPRX (1120am). Also, you can watch a YouTube video on my website, www.rorabackforcongress.com. I addressed the Hispanic Coalition of Greater Waterbury Coqui Awards event on September 28th. I am eager to work with the Latino community. I will work hard to create a better economy which will bring us more jobs. I am committed to protecting social security and medicare, and finding ways to lower the price of gasoline and heating oil.
I know that the number one issue for the Latino community is jobs. I have the experience, the temperament and the commitment to work hard for bi-partisan solutions this nation so desperately needs.
Only a prosperous economy will provide the jobs and the income our we all so desperately need and the tax revenues to pay for the necessary services government provides. In Congress, I will work hard for tax policies and regulations that encourage economic growth and against policies and regulations that have lead to economic stagnation.
I promised my parents I will protect the social security and medicare benefits they have earned. I would not lie to them or to you.
Rising gasoline and home heating oil prices are evidence of the critical need to enact a sound domestic energy policy. We must encourage our long-standing leadership in technological innovation. We must take advantage of all North American energy resources – including wind, solar, petroleum and natural gas – while protecting the environment.
In their endorsement, the Danbury News-Times wrote, “Andrew Roraback has the potential to be an outstanding Congressman, and we encourage the voters of the 5th District to cast their ballots for him on Election Day.” I will work very hard to live up to their expectations by serving you to the best of my ability.

Elizabeth Esty

ADDRESS: 242 S. Main St Cheshire, Ct 06410
WEBSITE: http://www.elizabethesty.com
BIO: Elizabeth Esty is a community leader, attorney, and mother with a life-long record of fighting for seniors, women’s rights, and middle-class jobs. In Congress, Elizabeth will fight for job creation, work to make education more affordable, and protect Social Security and Medicare.
Why should Latinos vote for you?
I will be a strong advocate for the needs of hard-working middle-class families in Congress.
There are significant challenges facing every community in our district. Every family needs to know that they have a real shot at the American dream – that our kids can go to college without the burden of crushing debt, that anyone who works hard can get a good-paying job, and that the guaranteed benefits of Social Security and Medicare will be there for us when we retire.
In Congress, I’ll focus on helping small businesses and boosting our manufacturing sector. Our district’s small businesses, many of which are Latino-owned, are the backbone of our economy. We must ease access to credit so that local small businesses can grow and hire. And we need to boost manufacturing by making sure we have fair trade laws, a fair tax code, and by making strong investments in education.
We must also ensure that we are protecting our commitments to seniors. I will stand up to the plans of Republicans in Congress to voucherize Medicare and privatize Social Security. As an attorney, I fought to keep disabled employees from being denied their Social Security benefits. I know that these programs can mean the difference between a life of dignity and a life of worry for disabled and retired workers.
I will also stand up to attempts to repeal health care reform. The Affordable Care Act isn’t perfect, but it’s an important first step in making quality health care more available and affordable, and it goes a long way in helping women, children, seniors, and every family.
I am also a strong supporter of the DREAM Act. There are young people who have grown up calling America home, who have been educated in our country, and who have courageously served our country in the military. We have invested in them. It’s important that they stay here and that they know they will have a fair shot to achieve the American dream.
I don’t have to tell you that the stakes are high, and the challenges are steep. I can’t promise to fix everything, but I can promise you that I will work hard, listen to your concerns, vote my conscience, and get things done. I hope I can earn your vote and that we can work together – to build a better future for our children, for Latino communities and every community in the 5th District, and for this great country.

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