14,000 News Jobs Per District If Immigration Bill Passed?


A new report being distributed to congressional members states that nearly 14,000 new jobs on average in each congressional district over the next decade would be created if the Senate’s immigration bill passed.
That according to the American Action Network (AAN), which backs an overhaul of the nation’s immigration laws. The figures could provide more cover for Republican House members who are considering backing reform. It could allow them to explain their position to skeptical constituents during August recess, when immigration has been a hot topic at town hall meetings.
Pro-reform conservatives have long framed immigration reform as a job-creation effort, dovetailing with the GOP message on jobs and the goals of party leaders to broaden that message to Latino voters.
But Republican opponents of reform don’t believe immigration can be a job-creation engine. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), the leading adversary of the Senate bill, criticized the original REMI report, arguing that a finite amount of jobs would go to newly arrived immigrants on work visas rather than Americans.
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