As of early 2013, the American Cancer Society (ACS) declared cancer as the leading cause of death for Latinos in the United States, according to
The ACS estimates that half of Hispanic men and one third of Hispanic women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives.
“Language and cultural barriers, the traditional distrust towards the medical profession and the persistent fear this disease inspires are among the many reasons preventing Latinos from receiving better healthcare,” the report stated. “Cancer resources are needed to increase awareness, access to medical care and support to families.” has compiled a list of 12 organizations and institutions dedicated to research and advocacy:
Redes en Accion: The National Latino Cancer Research Network
Exito! Latino Cancer Research Leadership Training
Hispanic Access Foudation
Prevent Cancer Foundation
Nueva Vida
Let’s talk about cancer/hablemos del cancer
ALAS-WINGS: Latina Association for Breast Cancer
Liga Contra el Cancer
Latinas contra el cancer
Latina breast cancer agency
Circulo de Vida
The American Cancer Society
Read more about the organizations in the full article here.