CTLN Opinion+: Bob Joondeph, Interim Executive Director at Disability Rights Connecticut


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Description of the video

  • In this episode Interim Director of Disability Rights Connecticut Bob Joondeph talks to us about accessibility for those living with disabilities. The departments available resources for the Latino community and their goals to reach communities that are in need of healthcare. As well as the difficulty in protecting people living with real respiratory issues during a time when politics would abuse the exceptions provided by the state. 

CTLN Opinion+ is a weekly segment where we have a conversation with elected or appointed officials. We discuss current events and questions for the Latino community of CT.

Resources mentioned in the interview

The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a bulletin to ensure that entities covered by civil rights authorities keep in mind their obligations under laws and regulations that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, and exercise of conscience and religion in HHS-funded programs, including in the provision of health care services during COVID-19. OCR is particularly focused on ensuring that covered entities do not unlawfully discriminate against people with disabilities when making decisions about their treatment during the COVID-19 health care emergency.


Patients with the coronavirus who need communication tools and supports due to speech-related disabilities face greater risks of discrimination and isolation during this pandemic. Your legal and civil rights to access your communication supports do not go away during an emergency, in quarantine, or in the hospital! Information, tool kit, and accommodation request form available at: https://communicationfirst.org/covid-19/  

DRCT’s flyer about your rights during the COVID-19 crisis in English and Spanish. Click on the language option above to view the flyer. Available in alternate format upon request.
